Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 6

20 of my favorite things:

1- My kids are my number one favorite thing in this world. I love them so much.
2- My husband is my best friend and i cant imagine a day without him, even though he's a butthead sometimes. :-)
3- My family. They make me smile
4- My new home! Even though were not moved in yet, im so excited to have a HOME!
5- My cellular device. I love my phone. I can do just about anything on it. 
6- My friends- I have some great ones
7- My cricut- now that ill have more room in our house, ill have more space to use it!
8- My truck.. Its perrrrty
9- My residents.. even though they give me a hard time most of the time. there like my family. 
10- Our puppy.. She's such a good dog
11- Our xbox... Me and Zach have had alot of fun times playing Halo and Bomberman. its what we do when we dont have the kids.
12- DVR... id be lost without it.
13- My black flip flops.. ive had them for years and i wear them everywhere.
14- My crockpot.. LOVE IT
15- My bed.. We have to had a king size bed because zach is so freakin tall.
16- My straightner... Id be lost without that too.
17- My sisters favorite ring.. i have it hanging in my car.. everytime i look at it, i know she's watching over me.. i miss you sister.
18- Kids.. im seriously thinking about going to school to become a teacher. 
19- Coffee... yumm
20- TIME... time is precious.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 5

Favorite Quote!

Nuff' said!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 4

Favorite Book:

I wish i could just skip this one.. because i seriously dont have a favorite book. I honestly havent read a book since highschool. Ive never been they type to sit down and read a book. It would be nice to be able to take some time and read a book.. but i just dont have the time. my kids would never let me read in silence, and im always at work.. by the time my girls are sleeping, im exhausted and i just want to sleep.

I do like magazines though :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We adopted!

On saturday morning, we got up and got ready for the day. We were on our way to home depot looking for things for our House when we decided to walk over to Petco because they were doing the pet adoptions. Right when we walked up we both saw the cutest dog! She was so sweet and so calm, we just werent going to leave without her. We were planning on getting a dog soon, it just happened a little sooner than we expected. We werent going to leave without her, so we signed the papers and we took her home. Erica loves her to pieces. She is the cutest thing. She is a terrior mix and is about 2 years old.
It was a very eventful day. She escaped 3 different times and we had to run after her! We hadnt even had her for a whole day and we almost lost her! She's had a couple of accidents in our apartment (which we have to hide her in until we move in a couple weeks).
This is LUCY!

Day 3

Favorite Tv Show:

i dont have a favorite.. i have MANY favorites..

1. House
2. Prison break (so sad its over)
3. Greys Anatomy
4. Flashpoint
5. Teen Mom
6. Jersey shore (yes i said Jersey shore)
7. Ghost Whisperer
8. I love Lucy

Friday, October 15, 2010


Favorite Movies:

Heres a list of my all time favorite movies:
1. Hocus Pocus
2. Drop Dead Fred
3. Liar Liar
4. Dirty Dancing
5. Grease
6. Transformers
7. Scream (all of them)
8. The notebook
9. Step Up
10. You got served (yes, i love the dancing in that movie)

and my most favorite movie has to be .....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. Im a big fan of Gerard Butler and movies that make me so emotional.. I could watch this movie over and over again!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 days of me...

Ok.. so i have been seeing alot of people do this "30 days of me" posts and i thought it would be fun. I usually dont do these type of things but what the heck...
Here is the list of things i will be posting about me.. Im going to try my hardest to post every day :)

day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- an art piece ?? huh??
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future

So here's DAY 1 ~

Favorite Song

Oh crap.. see this is why i hate doing these things.. because i have SOOO many favorites.

I think my all time favorite song would have to be "sexy love" by Ne-yo. simply because it is mine and my husbands song since day 1. It is our ringtone for both of us, and to this day, we still listen to it and smile at each other :-)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Family Pictures

Heres some of our family pictures we got done. Alecia did them and she does amazing work. Here is her blog
Alecia's Photography

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kelsey 2 months old!

I cant believe my kelsey bug is already 2 months old. Im getting sad that she wont be a little newborn forever. But i am looking forward to her getting bigger so her and her big sister can play.
I took her to the doctor today. She is 12lbs 8.3oz and she's 24" long. She sure is healthy! I asked the doctor about her being really stuffy everyday and she said about 50% of babies are stuffy because of how dry it is around here. :( She got a few shots, which is the worst ever. i hate having to hold my baby while they give her shots. she screamed for about a minute and then she was ok. She's such a trooper.
Things kelsey is doing at 2 months :
For most nights she sleeps 8 hours at a time, which is wonderful. She sleeps better than Erica.
She smiles ALOT! especially after she wakes up.
She's starting to Coo alot more.
She follows movements with her eyes alot now.
She's starting to grab at things.
She HATES tummy time.
She LOVES to sit up, and if you dont hold her up she gets super mad.