Thursday, December 16, 2010


Zach got me dyson vacuum for xmas. I know it sounds silly to get a vacuum for my xmas present, but I absolutely love this thing. It works amazing!
Thanks babe
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Sunday, December 5, 2010


December 3rd was a very busy day for us. We took the girls to see Santa. I was so excited because it was Kelsey's first time seeing him and i for sure thought Erica would be super excited. Everytime i see the white line (from a plane) in the sky, i tell Erica thats Santa looking at all the boys and girls and she always gets so excited and yells "HI SANTA! IM BEING A GOOD GIRL!" 
Boy was i wrong, we stood in line for almost an hour just to have Erica FREAK out. And not just a little cry when she sat on his lap.. but a full blown kicking and screaming and not letting go of us freak out. I wasnt going to walk out empty handed after standing in line for so long, so we sat her on his lap and ran while poor santa was holding a screaming child in one hand, and an infant in the other. All while smiling! 

After the torturous visit with Santa, we had to go torture our other child with shots :(
Kelsey Turned 4 months old on the 27th of November. I always dread taking my kids to the doctor.. not only because of all the germs there, but because i hate having other people touching my kids. lol.
Kelsey is doing great! Dr. Walker said she has a little bit of a belly button hernia, but nothing to worry about yet. She still hasnt been rolling on her stomach or back yet (she has a couple times) but the dr said its nothing to worry about until at least 6 months. 
Kelsey is now 16lbs 2oz = 91st percentile
26 inches long = 95th percentile!
Doctor said she is going to be one tall girl :-) 

Shes's such a CHUNK!

I made Daddy hold her the hole time because i was forced to last time :(

Poor baby :-( She didnt take shots well at all!

I cant believe my girls are growing up so fast. Erica will be turning 3 in just a few weeks, and my baby isnt going to be a baby much longer.
I love them both so much, words cant even explain. :)

On a sadder note.. 
Today is would have been my sisters 35th birthday. I cant believe she has been gone for almost 17 years. It feels like just yesterday we lost her. For those of you that dont know, she was killed in a car accident when she was 18 years old. I always wonder how things would be if she was still around. Its been hard growing up with no siblings around. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Another year to be thankful for my amazing family. I just keep feeling more and more blessed everyday with my amazing kids. I am so thankful for them being so beautiful and healthy. I couldnt ask for anything more. I am also thankful that i got to spend another thanksgiving with my dad. He made sure that i knew how to make thanksgiving dinner because he's not sure how much longer he will be around. (he used to do all the cooking around the house). Im also thankful for my amazing mother. She does so much for my family and takes such good care of my girls. No matter how tired she is, she is always willing to help me out. My husband has been amazing too. I couldnt have asked for a better father for my girls.
Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A couple of videos of Kelsey

I cant believe my Kelsey bug is going to be 4 months next week. Its amazing how time flies. Its only a matter of time before her and Erica are yelling and screaming at each other.
Kelsey has started to laugh. She has the cutest smile and laugh ever!
She has also started to eat rice cereal. She's still not too sure what to think about that.

Heres some videos :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 9

A Photo that i took:

i absolutely LOVE this picture!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 8

A picture that makes you sad/angry:

Every picture of my sister makes me sad and angry. I miss her so much and i wish she was still with us.  :'( 
There isnt a day that goes by that i wish she was around me, my parents, and my kids. Life would be so different if she was still around. I wish i could talk to her again. I just wish she could come back. 
Life just isnt fair sometimes. 
I love you Erica. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 7

A photo that makes me happy

Its kind of hard to see. but this picture makes me smile from ear to ear. It was Erica's first time holding her sister all by herself. I didnt want to turn the flash on because it was too bright for baby kelsey. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 6

20 of my favorite things:

1- My kids are my number one favorite thing in this world. I love them so much.
2- My husband is my best friend and i cant imagine a day without him, even though he's a butthead sometimes. :-)
3- My family. They make me smile
4- My new home! Even though were not moved in yet, im so excited to have a HOME!
5- My cellular device. I love my phone. I can do just about anything on it. 
6- My friends- I have some great ones
7- My cricut- now that ill have more room in our house, ill have more space to use it!
8- My truck.. Its perrrrty
9- My residents.. even though they give me a hard time most of the time. there like my family. 
10- Our puppy.. She's such a good dog
11- Our xbox... Me and Zach have had alot of fun times playing Halo and Bomberman. its what we do when we dont have the kids.
12- DVR... id be lost without it.
13- My black flip flops.. ive had them for years and i wear them everywhere.
14- My crockpot.. LOVE IT
15- My bed.. We have to had a king size bed because zach is so freakin tall.
16- My straightner... Id be lost without that too.
17- My sisters favorite ring.. i have it hanging in my car.. everytime i look at it, i know she's watching over me.. i miss you sister.
18- Kids.. im seriously thinking about going to school to become a teacher. 
19- Coffee... yumm
20- TIME... time is precious.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 5

Favorite Quote!

Nuff' said!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 4

Favorite Book:

I wish i could just skip this one.. because i seriously dont have a favorite book. I honestly havent read a book since highschool. Ive never been they type to sit down and read a book. It would be nice to be able to take some time and read a book.. but i just dont have the time. my kids would never let me read in silence, and im always at work.. by the time my girls are sleeping, im exhausted and i just want to sleep.

I do like magazines though :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We adopted!

On saturday morning, we got up and got ready for the day. We were on our way to home depot looking for things for our House when we decided to walk over to Petco because they were doing the pet adoptions. Right when we walked up we both saw the cutest dog! She was so sweet and so calm, we just werent going to leave without her. We were planning on getting a dog soon, it just happened a little sooner than we expected. We werent going to leave without her, so we signed the papers and we took her home. Erica loves her to pieces. She is the cutest thing. She is a terrior mix and is about 2 years old.
It was a very eventful day. She escaped 3 different times and we had to run after her! We hadnt even had her for a whole day and we almost lost her! She's had a couple of accidents in our apartment (which we have to hide her in until we move in a couple weeks).
This is LUCY!

Day 3

Favorite Tv Show:

i dont have a favorite.. i have MANY favorites..

1. House
2. Prison break (so sad its over)
3. Greys Anatomy
4. Flashpoint
5. Teen Mom
6. Jersey shore (yes i said Jersey shore)
7. Ghost Whisperer
8. I love Lucy

Friday, October 15, 2010


Favorite Movies:

Heres a list of my all time favorite movies:
1. Hocus Pocus
2. Drop Dead Fred
3. Liar Liar
4. Dirty Dancing
5. Grease
6. Transformers
7. Scream (all of them)
8. The notebook
9. Step Up
10. You got served (yes, i love the dancing in that movie)

and my most favorite movie has to be .....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. Im a big fan of Gerard Butler and movies that make me so emotional.. I could watch this movie over and over again!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 days of me...

Ok.. so i have been seeing alot of people do this "30 days of me" posts and i thought it would be fun. I usually dont do these type of things but what the heck...
Here is the list of things i will be posting about me.. Im going to try my hardest to post every day :)

day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- an art piece ?? huh??
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future

So here's DAY 1 ~

Favorite Song

Oh crap.. see this is why i hate doing these things.. because i have SOOO many favorites.

I think my all time favorite song would have to be "sexy love" by Ne-yo. simply because it is mine and my husbands song since day 1. It is our ringtone for both of us, and to this day, we still listen to it and smile at each other :-)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Family Pictures

Heres some of our family pictures we got done. Alecia did them and she does amazing work. Here is her blog
Alecia's Photography

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kelsey 2 months old!

I cant believe my kelsey bug is already 2 months old. Im getting sad that she wont be a little newborn forever. But i am looking forward to her getting bigger so her and her big sister can play.
I took her to the doctor today. She is 12lbs 8.3oz and she's 24" long. She sure is healthy! I asked the doctor about her being really stuffy everyday and she said about 50% of babies are stuffy because of how dry it is around here. :( She got a few shots, which is the worst ever. i hate having to hold my baby while they give her shots. she screamed for about a minute and then she was ok. She's such a trooper.
Things kelsey is doing at 2 months :
For most nights she sleeps 8 hours at a time, which is wonderful. She sleeps better than Erica.
She smiles ALOT! especially after she wakes up.
She's starting to Coo alot more.
She follows movements with her eyes alot now.
She's starting to grab at things.
She HATES tummy time.
She LOVES to sit up, and if you dont hold her up she gets super mad.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quick Vegas Trip

Our good friends Brittney and Cody got us some NASCAR tickets in vegas for Saturday. Me and Zach have never been before so we thought we would go. There were SOOO many people there. We had to walk about a mile from where we parked our car to where we sat down. It was actually pretty fun, and SUPER loud. We stayed for a couple hours until Zach got bored and hungry. Then we headed back to our room and went out to dinner and met up with some other friends. We partied at the Rio. By 4am we were both way too drunk so we got a taxi and headed back to our room. The next morning i had the worst hangover and ended up puking my guts out.
Overall, it was a nice little getaway. I love being able to spend some alone time with my husband. I love him so much and we always have so much fun when were together.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We got a HOME!!

We have been wanting to buy a house for a while now, and we thought it was the right time to start trying. It took us a couple months of looking at tons of houses, until we found one that was perfect for us.

We signed the contract this morning. We have lots to do in a month before we can start moving in.

CANT WAIT!! lots of updates and pictures soon.

Here it is....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Its about time..

Here i am.. 3 months later.. FINALLY updating my blog! yay!

So, as most of you know.. the biggest news that i have to talk about is about Kelsey Jade Duffy being born. :)
By 39 weeks i was so ready to have her out that i was getting very impatient and begging for her to come out. At my 39 week appointment i was dilated to a 4 and he stripped my membranes. My dr told me that i should go into labor within a couple hours.. well, i started feeling contractions so we headed to the hospital.. but with my lucky, they sent us home that night.. I called my doctor the next day and told him that i had been bleeding all day and night so they told me to go back in. they hooked me up to some monitors to see if i was contracting. My doctor was out of the office that day so i saw a different doctor, he didnt like how high my blood pressure was so he stripped my membranes again and sent me over to labor and delivery :) that was around 2 oclock. They hooked me up to pitocin and got me rolling.
here we are waiting for her

 It seemed to go by really fast. I was so glad that they allowed Erica to be there with us. She was there the whole time except for when it was time to push. She was excited too :) Before i knew it i was in so much pain. There was no way that i could go all natural, so i got the epidural :) before i knew it.. it was 10:50pm and they told me to push.. she was out at 11:01 pm :)
She was perfect.
8lb 3 oz 21 inches.

I couldnt have asked for a better baby. She eats and sleeps so well. and is perfectly healthy. The only problem she had was a ruptured blood vessel in her right eye, but it fixed it self :)

Erica has been such a good big sister. She knew right away that she had to be gentle with the baby.
Ericas first time holding her baby sister.

Baby Kelsey sleeps so good. She had a little bit of Colic but im still not complaining. I couldnt have asked for a better baby.

She is now 7 weeks old :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Time to catch up!

Its been a rough couple of months, and that is the excuse im going to give for not blogging! I am now almost 35 weeks and i am SO ready to have this baby. This summer heat is killing me. Im so uncomfortable. I have heartburn. Im up every hour during the night to go pee. I cant shave my legs without getting exhausted. And im going through all of this while setting up the nursery and getting ready for the baby, AND chasing after a 2 year old. Im am exhausted and i dont think im ever having anymore kids! Now, time for good news: Im down to weekly appointments! I had another ultrasound last week just to make sure my placenta has moved and baby was growing ok, and everything was perfect! baby even messures to my exact due date. Next week is my last week of work! :-) then ill be taking a couple months off. Im hoping to go back, but not to graveyards, or i hope to find a better job that will offer benefits. Speaking of benefits, now that i wont be working, i applied for baby your baby and medicaid. We got approved for baby your baby and were in the process of getting medicaid. So im crossing my fingers that everything will go smoothly and i dont have to stress about all those medical bills.
We had my baby shower last week so i was able to finish all the shopping i needed to get done to make sure were 100% ready for this baby. Ive washed all the clothes, put the crib together, hung up some decor. theres just a few things left and were ready! We cant wait to meet baby Kelsey. Erica is very excited. everytime she see's babies she yells "look at the baby! im gonna have a baby sister like that!"
Im terrified of how she will act when the baby actually comes though

Me and Zach have been great. He took my advice and picked up more hours in the week so he could take an extra day off during the week. So now he has Fridays AND Saturdays off. :)

Thats about all thats been going on in my life right now.. Just getting ready for a newborn :)

Until next time......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Well... its a.....

Its official.. Doctor is sure were having another girl. Yay! Even though we were both hoping for a boy this time, we are very excited. I guess we will just have to try again for a boy (but not for a lonnnnng time) We are still trying to come up with a name for this little stinker.. But there are a couple that we are leaning to.
I am now in my third trimester. It seems like the second went by SOO fast. Im sure the next couple of months will drag on. We picked horrible timing to get pregnant. im going to be huge in the 115 degree weather.. (thanks zach) I have been feeling pretty good. Ive gained a total of 6lbs so far which doesnt seem like alot.. but im sure the next 10 weeks i will gain a bunch. I took my gestational diabetes test last week and that came back negative.. so were good there :) This baby moves ALOT.. way more than Erica ever did. and this baby is very low. sometimes i feel like she is going to fall out of me if i dont hold my legs closed.