Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quick Vegas Trip

Our good friends Brittney and Cody got us some NASCAR tickets in vegas for Saturday. Me and Zach have never been before so we thought we would go. There were SOOO many people there. We had to walk about a mile from where we parked our car to where we sat down. It was actually pretty fun, and SUPER loud. We stayed for a couple hours until Zach got bored and hungry. Then we headed back to our room and went out to dinner and met up with some other friends. We partied at the Rio. By 4am we were both way too drunk so we got a taxi and headed back to our room. The next morning i had the worst hangover and ended up puking my guts out.
Overall, it was a nice little getaway. I love being able to spend some alone time with my husband. I love him so much and we always have so much fun when were together.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We got a HOME!!

We have been wanting to buy a house for a while now, and we thought it was the right time to start trying. It took us a couple months of looking at tons of houses, until we found one that was perfect for us.

We signed the contract this morning. We have lots to do in a month before we can start moving in.

CANT WAIT!! lots of updates and pictures soon.

Here it is....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Its about time..

Here i am.. 3 months later.. FINALLY updating my blog! yay!

So, as most of you know.. the biggest news that i have to talk about is about Kelsey Jade Duffy being born. :)
By 39 weeks i was so ready to have her out that i was getting very impatient and begging for her to come out. At my 39 week appointment i was dilated to a 4 and he stripped my membranes. My dr told me that i should go into labor within a couple hours.. well, i started feeling contractions so we headed to the hospital.. but with my lucky, they sent us home that night.. I called my doctor the next day and told him that i had been bleeding all day and night so they told me to go back in. they hooked me up to some monitors to see if i was contracting. My doctor was out of the office that day so i saw a different doctor, he didnt like how high my blood pressure was so he stripped my membranes again and sent me over to labor and delivery :) that was around 2 oclock. They hooked me up to pitocin and got me rolling.
here we are waiting for her

 It seemed to go by really fast. I was so glad that they allowed Erica to be there with us. She was there the whole time except for when it was time to push. She was excited too :) Before i knew it i was in so much pain. There was no way that i could go all natural, so i got the epidural :) before i knew it.. it was 10:50pm and they told me to push.. she was out at 11:01 pm :)
She was perfect.
8lb 3 oz 21 inches.

I couldnt have asked for a better baby. She eats and sleeps so well. and is perfectly healthy. The only problem she had was a ruptured blood vessel in her right eye, but it fixed it self :)

Erica has been such a good big sister. She knew right away that she had to be gentle with the baby.
Ericas first time holding her baby sister.

Baby Kelsey sleeps so good. She had a little bit of Colic but im still not complaining. I couldnt have asked for a better baby.

She is now 7 weeks old :)