Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quick Vegas Trip

Our good friends Brittney and Cody got us some NASCAR tickets in vegas for Saturday. Me and Zach have never been before so we thought we would go. There were SOOO many people there. We had to walk about a mile from where we parked our car to where we sat down. It was actually pretty fun, and SUPER loud. We stayed for a couple hours until Zach got bored and hungry. Then we headed back to our room and went out to dinner and met up with some other friends. We partied at the Rio. By 4am we were both way too drunk so we got a taxi and headed back to our room. The next morning i had the worst hangover and ended up puking my guts out.
Overall, it was a nice little getaway. I love being able to spend some alone time with my husband. I love him so much and we always have so much fun when were together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys could get away for a while without the kids. Its great to have that break.