I dont know why i watch these movies, it totally ruins my life.. now, i hate going on roller coasters, i wont ever go to a tanning bed anymore, and now,, im never going to go to a car wash..
i forgot my camera so i didnt get a cool picture of all of us in our 3d glasses :(
Then we went to Sunset bowl and bowled a game..
Zach totally kicked our butts.. i forgot was his score was though :(
Then we stopped at baskin robbins for some ice cream..
I bought Erica some Chalk and she just loved it.. she wouldnt put them down and was drawing all over the place.. (dont mind her hair.. its out of control)
My goal : to be able to do expert on guitar hero.
Update on Erica : She is now 20 months old and talking a whoole bunch! Her new favorite words are : "I love you" "spongebob" "Pakute (which is pinocchio)" "Please" "moon" "colors" And i just taught her to say "thank you" and your welcome" :) We are in the process of taking her off the bottle.. she only has about 2 bottles a day. Lately she has been having trouble sleeping.. she wont go to bed until about 2 in the morning and wake up very early then go back to sleep til around 11. Im hoping she will go back to her regular sleep schedule. She is eating much better now that she's not having so much milk. She brings so much joy to my life and i love her so much. I couldnt have asked for a better daughter.
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