Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Am i really pregnant?

This was so me. I took about 3 different pregnancy test because i really didnt believe it. I have a cartoon for every week for this pregnancy, so i will be posting one every week.

pregnancy cartoon

All the things im Thankful for

This year has flown by and we have had alot of rough times, and alot of good times. And now that thanksgiving is just a day away, i thought i would list all the things im thankful for.

1. Family
I dont know what i would do without them. My mom has been amazing this whole year. Me and her have had alot of ups and downs, lots of fighting and name calling, but this year has been different. She has completely changed her attitude in so many ways. She is wonderful when it comes to Erica. She takes such good care of her when im sleeping in the day from working the night before, that i never have to worry about "is she getting her teeth brushed?" "is she getting bathed?" "is she eating healthy?" My mom is very uptight when it comes to being clean and safe and for once in my life, i am extremley grateful for that. She always goes out and  buys things for Erica. She has a bed, clothes, shoes, toothbrush, shampoo, etc... everything she needs is at her house so i never have to take anything over there and i know my mom has everything she needs. She has helped me in so many ways financially. She never hesitates to help. and she is always offering to help me in anyway. Although, my dad doesnt do much anymore, im so thankful that God has kept him here. He's been through alot physically and emoitionally. Ever since his heart attack he has just gone downhill. Everytime i look at him i just cherish the time that he is here with us still and that he's still hanging on. I hope one day he will have enough strength to get out of bed and be active. My in-laws are great. They always help out with Erica on the weekends when me and Zach want to go out and spend some time together, which we dont get too much. Erica always has so much fun with grandma and grandpa. They spoil her rotten. And everytime i take her there, i know she is having a blast.

2. Daughter
Words cant even express how i feel about my little girl. She is amazing in every way. She always puts a smile on my face. She is so smart and surprises me everyday with the things she learns. She has taught me so much in the last 2 years. She is the sun in my sky. Her smile just makes my heart melt. I am so thankful to have such a beautiful daughter. I love you baby girl... so much.

3. Husband
Zachary, We have been through SO much in the last 3 years. But in the end, we have worked through everything and our love is as strong as ever. I am so thankful for everything you do. This family would not be as strong as it is if it wasnt for you. As much as i hate it, im thankful that you work 6 days a week and make good money. Im so thankful that you have put up with me and that you love me for who i am, for whats inside. We always have fun together, even if its just sitting at home playing video games. Im so thankful that you wake up with Erica 4 nights and mornings a week so i can sleep after i come home from work. You are such a good dad to Erica and we both love you very much. 

4. Health
I am so thankful that my family is healthy as we can be.
5. Jobs
As much as i complain about Zach working so much, and me having to work graveyards, i am so thankful that we both have decent paying jobs. Especially when some people out there are getting cut hours or jobs.

And last but not least....

The new baby!
We are so very excited to having a new baby come into this family. You are going to be so very loved by so many people.. We cant wait to meet you.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby #2 !

We just found out yesterday that we are expecting our second child! We are very happy and excited!  Im just hoping everything is ok and we will have a healthy baby. Just like i was with Erica, i am very worried about having another miscarriage. So every little cramp or pain, i start panicking. I am just going to put this child in gods hands and pray that everything will be fine.

I started taking my prenatal vitamins today. I feel fine. Just very tired. I have some cramps sometimes and a little lower back pain.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Team Edward!

i wanted to take Erica and get some new pictures of her, but of course, she was NOT cooperating and wouldnt smile in any of the pictures or even look at the camera. But she still looks so freakin cute

I need to edit some of them, but i will do that when i go back to work sunday night.
Then we went to New Moon last night. I was so excited.. Yes i AM one of those Twilight fans, dont hate!
We never got around to buying the tickets early, so we went first thing friday morning, and all of the showtimes were sold out but the midnight one. We decided to go at 10:30 so we wouldnt get crappy seats and we thought that would be early enough.. but nope.. the line was already all the way down the hall and even outside around the corner.. so yep.. we waited outside for about an hour. But it was totally worth it. I thought the movie was amazing and even better than the first one. And i seriously cant wait for Eclipse to come out. The way that New Moon ended, made you wanting more. i cant wait to find out what happens.
This is us excited for the movie to start

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have been putting off taking Erica off the bottle for a long time now, i knew she would not be happy about it. and i hate to hear her scream and beg for a "baba". So i let Zach handle it when i went to work Sunday night. He called me quite a few times that night and i had to hear Erica scream and cry asking for a baba. It was so sad. I told Zach just to give her a bottle and maybe she wasnt ready to give up the bottle. This is the one time i was glad Zach is stubborn because he wasnt going to give in to her. So after a couple hours of screaming, she finally fell asleep. The next day, we took her to the store and let her pick out a toy for being such a big girl. She picked out a barbie doll. The next night we told her that if she was a big girl again, then we would take her to get another toy. The next night Zach told me that she fell asleep right away and didnt cry for a bottle. And the best thing about it all, She is now sleeping through the night!! What a relief.
Im so proud of my big girl!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today has been a very fun day with Erica. We went to lunch at the Burger Place in Washington, there was a little girl there and Erica wanted to share her stickers with her, so she went and gave her one.. It was so cute. I asked the little girls mom how old her daughter was and she said she will be 2 on December 28th.. i told her that Erica turns 2 on the 26th of December. So they were only 2 days apart. But Erica was quite a bit taller than the other girl. I guess she gets that from her dad. They had alot of fun, they kept going from booth to booth. Here's a picture of them.

Later, we went to Walmart and i bought her this cute little Tinkerbell backpack. I was going to wait until Christmas to get it for her, but of course i couldn't wait and everyday is Christmas for her, so of course i spoiled her once again with it. She loved it. She wore it the whole time we were in the store and wouldnt let me take it off so i could pay for it. and when the lady came around to scan it, Erica tried to hit the poor lady and said "MINE!"  She totally gets her stubbornness from her father. no joke.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sick, on a weekend??

Erica caught a cold from my mom in the middle of the week, and my first night back at home with Zach and Erica, i caught the cold. Erica has had the worst of it though. She was having such a hard time breathing because she was so stuffed up, she was really grumpy and restless. She is finally starting to feel better, but you can still hear in her voice that she still has a little cold. I had a really bad sore throat and a bad cough, and Zach has just had a sore throat.. Were finally starting to get over it, so i will be spending the next couple days with a can of lysol and washing everything in the house.
On Friday, we went to our weekly "friday night movie" and we saw "The box". it had to have been one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life. I really like Cameron Diaz, and i feel bad that she had to play in this horrible movie.
Overall, it was a sick/relaxing weekend.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year was pretty fun because Erica is old enough to kind of get what was going on. I was going to dress her up as a kitten, but she was being a little brat and wouldnt let me draw wiskers on her, so i ran all over town trying to find another option, i finally came across this cute little witch hat, and i didnt have to spend alot more money because she could still wear the black pants and shirt i was going to have her wear for the kitten. She loved the hat, i put it on her and i told her she was a witch and she would say "ooooo scary"

Then we went home and we got ready, and waited for Zach to get off work..

Then we went over to my moms house to trick or treat, then we went over to Zach's moms and went around her neighborhood. Erica did really well, We met up with Travis, Sara and there little boy Axel, and the 2 kids went up to the dorrs and said "trick or treat" and "thank you". Im so glad Erica wasnt scared like i thought she would be (she's such a scardy cat)

Overall, it was a good halloween :) Cant wait to see how she will do next year