Friday, November 13, 2009


Today has been a very fun day with Erica. We went to lunch at the Burger Place in Washington, there was a little girl there and Erica wanted to share her stickers with her, so she went and gave her one.. It was so cute. I asked the little girls mom how old her daughter was and she said she will be 2 on December 28th.. i told her that Erica turns 2 on the 26th of December. So they were only 2 days apart. But Erica was quite a bit taller than the other girl. I guess she gets that from her dad. They had alot of fun, they kept going from booth to booth. Here's a picture of them.

Later, we went to Walmart and i bought her this cute little Tinkerbell backpack. I was going to wait until Christmas to get it for her, but of course i couldn't wait and everyday is Christmas for her, so of course i spoiled her once again with it. She loved it. She wore it the whole time we were in the store and wouldnt let me take it off so i could pay for it. and when the lady came around to scan it, Erica tried to hit the poor lady and said "MINE!"  She totally gets her stubbornness from her father. no joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny. I'm the same way when it comes to Christmas presents. I love seeing the reaction on her face so I always give them to her before its time. I'm doing good this year though. Keeping them high on shelf in my closet so I can't reach them lol. Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas!