Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have been putting off taking Erica off the bottle for a long time now, i knew she would not be happy about it. and i hate to hear her scream and beg for a "baba". So i let Zach handle it when i went to work Sunday night. He called me quite a few times that night and i had to hear Erica scream and cry asking for a baba. It was so sad. I told Zach just to give her a bottle and maybe she wasnt ready to give up the bottle. This is the one time i was glad Zach is stubborn because he wasnt going to give in to her. So after a couple hours of screaming, she finally fell asleep. The next day, we took her to the store and let her pick out a toy for being such a big girl. She picked out a barbie doll. The next night we told her that if she was a big girl again, then we would take her to get another toy. The next night Zach told me that she fell asleep right away and didnt cry for a bottle. And the best thing about it all, She is now sleeping through the night!! What a relief.
Im so proud of my big girl!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's always nice! Buy her some neat little cups to get her excided about the switch. They have $2 Christmas ones at Target right now. ;)